Company Commander 14
Welcome to your new Command.
After a long flight you arrive at the airstrip at Bukit, its raining and humid. It looks like its been raining forever. The buildings are ramshackle and the people look defeated.
Your headquarters are an old tent with a leak in one corner and a bulge from gathered water in the other. The map on the easel has mould on it and there are beer cans scattered about.
A private sits at a desk with water dripping on it like a wooden Chinese torture. he looks bored or maybe drunk.
Your first reaction is anger. “Where the hell are your officers soldier?” you shout at him.
He leaps to his feet and stamps to attention in the muddy water covering the floor.
“Sir, Captain Smith is out on the perimeter and Sergeant Major Diem is on the main gate.”
“Summon them immediately, I have news for them………”
Although the original Company Commander was designed at the height of the Cold War it represented a chaotic vision where a Third World Country is fragmented into many factions struggling to gain control. Today that chaotic vision has moved from the imagination of the game's original designer to the nightly news on our TV screens.
The design now mimics the international reality of today, making Company Commander as relevant today as it was in first days of the game design process.
The design of Company Commander has come a long way from design to current version 13. in those years the nightmare has become more real and current, not less.
Modern wars are often fought with what Western Forces would regard as archaic weapons from a bygone age. An armoured car, long obsolete to a modern army may prove decisive on a far distant battlefield where the men are ill trained irregulars with obsolete weapons.
As a Company Commander you will be offered a range of weapons each month by Arms Dealers. These may not be cutting edge but for the area they offer the means to win the war.
The area over which the game is played is Malanesia, a large sea area populated by many islands. Malanesia is a generic area based upon Indonesian and Malaya. It has similar terrain and economy to the real area. Although you wont find any of the isles on a map all the location names are taken from the area.
The economy is based upon tobacco, lumber, copper and oil. Developing these industries and selling their products is the key to financing your war effort. Of course there are other less legal ways to build your war chest.
Company Commander is all about small unit tactics and a strategic view for your faction. You control training from raw recruit to operational unit then further specialised training unique to your faction. With the addition of armour, heavy weapons, munitions and airpower you are truly in command.
With plenty of random events happening that may help your faction there is rarely a moment of respite.
The game has already seen many Game generated encounters where the players interact with neighbouring states and Underworld characters to trade in contraband goods and smuggled equipment.
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Free £20.00 Game credit
Free excitement and anticipation.
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